Friday, 21 June 2019

Blog #4, about last two weeks.

Dear parents,

     Recent weeks were so intensive. We had to events: Parent’s morning and Numeracy week. During Parent’s morning, parents had come to the math lesson, where we started to learn graph theory. One of the activities was a logical peg solitaire game when parents were helping their children to solve it. I think that they had fun to do it. Big thanks to all parents for visiting our school. And the last week was a numeracy week which had everyday activity. On Monday we played Gameshow slideshow game, where children tried to answer math tricky and logical questions.

     On Tuesday we had a chance to participate in Math photo contest, and on Wednesday we have been involved in math rotation activities as well. On Thursday for Math art, we did a project called “Sierpinski triangle”. 

And on the last day of the week, it was a shopping day, where students had an opportunity to spend all the “Abroad money” they had been earning not only by taking a part in the different school activities but doing all their best during classes as well.
     Additionally, here is the overview from the specialist teachers as well.

     This week, we continued to discuss ecosystems. Students drew a picture of an ecosystem of their choice. Also, this week we began discussing food chains. Students created their own food chains from paper cups.

     Ms. Kapra, a social studies teacher.

     We finished reading our dystopian novel titled The Giver and continue our analysis of themes and story elements.  We are comparing our society to the Community and how different our lives would be in the land of Sameness.

In celebration of Numeracy Week, we played a math card game in which teams had to use an order of operations to equal a sum of 10 using as many cards as possible.

     Ms. Katherine, English teacher.

Grade 8 students have read an informational text about "Bio-Logging". They are conducting research about different types of animals and how "Bio logging" is used for them. Grade 7 students have been working on making a speech using a memo.

     Ms. Chiya, Japanese teacher.

     And as a kind remind next week we will study until Wednesday (included), and on Thursday - Friday as you may know, school will be closed due to G-20 event in Osaka, Japan.

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